ive been pretty well dedz since teh new year . I was very busy cuz i got a new job ( KFC XDD ) . Its a noice job , but when nobody is looking i eat some chickeh XP . A nd cuz of FarCry 4 ive been dead , cuz dis game is fucking awesum !!!!1 Ive been active only some time , also i am active on skype . You can invite me to friends . My anme is M4d XDDDDDD . Just want to talk because i am really bored .
ps What is about that Geometry Dash drama , cuz i dunno
later my friends XD
bye :3
Hey hope you have a great time at your new job than (don't get caught stealing the chicken to often ;)
altho i would do the same :P ) and i saw Farcry 4 (awesome graphics) i would love to know some more
about the game (and if you ever want to talk i'm always there just so you know) but anyway,
Have a good day man,
Lel thx